Saturday, December 5, 2009

Snow in Alabama!!!


Robin's Nesting Place said...

Love the snowman! I'm an Alabama girl, (Tuscaloosa), now living in Indiana. It's so funny to me that y'all got snow this year before us!

My life with MND said...

The snowman is so cute!

Kim said...

Yay! We had snow yesterday too and it was so beautiful. Love that pic of the boys holding the snowman - you should SO have that framed! And what a gorgeous home.

Musings of a Housewife said...

What fun! Our front yard looks about the same. And it's PA! :-) Your kids must have been so psyched.

Patricia L said...

We were surprised by the snow too!My 5 year-old even got out the shovel. :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog.

Patricia L said...

We're in just a dusting (I think they were calling it half an inch). It was pretty to look at.

Your brooch party sounds like fun-- I've never been to one of those!