Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Birds are everywhere for a party!

Apparantly we ladies have a little problem. We bring home one little bird and something seems to happen. Suddenly we find birds multiplying throughout our homes. I am glad to find I am not alone. So, fess up and join the party at The Shabby Chic Cottage. My first bird is sitting on the handle of my curio cabinet that sits in our front room. It is a living room turned piano room, game playing room and movie watchin room for the kids.
My next bird is a print that needs to be hung over the toilet in the "water closet" of our Master bath. Please tell me you just lean prints around your house to be hung only to sit there for years like me. Actually I am keeping my eyes open for a kitchen/bath cabinet to hang over the toilet. Something cheap that I can paint black and store toiletries in. So, if I had that I don't know where the little bird print will go. He may have to fly somewhere else and lean upon another wall or table or something.

I bought this at Ross. I like lanterns and candles for some strange reason. I think this was one of those impulse buys that wasn't wise. I love it, but it has been really hard to place in my home where it looks right. It doesn't seem to really fit. Right now it is on the bookshelf near the fireplace.

Look, we even read about birds. I try to keep this away from the other birds so it doesn't frighten them. They would all leave if they thought we were taking lessons. They don't mock me anymore, though!
I have my dining table and buffet in the foyer. I tucked a little Christmas ornament bird in the floral arrangement. He falls over daily and we restuff him in somewhere pretty.

I know, just happened this way and I have nothing better at the moment. I don't buy a lot of accessories as you can see.

I bought this bird easel and plate at a garage sale for $2. Actually the bird above and glass house were from garage sales. The candle and candle holder were also from a garage sale. The flower arrangement above that.... garage sale. The book.... garage sale. Do you see a pattern? My house would be naked without people who get tired of their stuff and let me take it.

Does the goose count? I love him. Absolutely fell in love with him at Hobby Lobby. It took all I could not to walk around going, " Honk, honk. Honk, honk" after picking it up. Kind of like the Mandy on iCarly doing "quack quack" He is the most beautiful shade of blue. There is a tiny iron bird tucked in to the right of the candelabra. Yes, I do see that the candlesticks are wompy and one is actually laying around. I didn't see it before photo, though. Now, it is driving me crazy. BTW, the blue candles are Pottery Barn and came from, right, a garage sale. A box of 8 for $1 and it had like $20 or something on it. They smell FABULOUS! I don't know what it smells like, just that it is good. The blue glass thing and magnolia arrangement are GS too, that is short for garage sale.

This print is in the front, piano, game playin, movie watchin room also. This room needs a name we can stick with. This print is the mate to the one in my bathroom. I seperated them, is that a sin? I stuck a Christmas decoration bird on this also. This is the same bird, but not THE SAME bird, as the one on the handle of the curio in case you wondered if I am just moving birds around in different places. I am not moving them, just bought two.

Alright, I wonder what is next... I will win with socks with out a mate, towels left on the floor, shoes! I would definitely win with shoes by the door.


Jenny Froh said...

Love all your birdies :)

Unknown said...

Such a cute post! Your birdie collection is darling. I really like colors in the bird print that is leaning.

Thanks for sharing!


Tami said...

I love all your birds. The goose is my favorite. Believe it or not, I do not have any birds. I have bird nests. Real ones. When we see a bird vacate we collect it and use it in our decor. I have several sitting around.

Unknown said...

Beautiful birds! Thanks for joining!

Dawn said...

Love your birds!

Hang the bird photo in the water closet, then place the green glass bird candle holder thingy on the back of the toilet. (Assuming th greens match!)

Stacey said...

You are right - they do just seem to multiply. I think it's because they are sweet. You have some very pretty birds.

Claudia said...

I love the bird print in the water closet - so pretty! To Kill a Mockingbird is my favorite book! Thanks for sharing with us.

Barbara Jean said...

You have very unique birds, and displays.
thanks for sharing them.

Barbara jean

Marie said...

Hello! Love your birdies! And I'm lovin' your curio cabinet, oh my, so fabulous. Thank you for sharing!


Trudi said...

Love your hurricane lamp. I almost showed my ducks, I'm so glad you shared yours.

My life with MND said...

Love the birds!

I have some pictures leaning against the wall in the upstairs hallway, that have been waitint to be hung up....erm...for the past FOUR months - ooops!

To Kill A Mockingbird is fab....I first read this at achool when I was sixteen. I love the film too.

Barbara Jean said...


Email me for info on bird nest prize
from Feathered Friends party.

Barbara Jean

address on profile page