Friday, October 31, 2008

Trunk or treat

Wait! Bob Jones High 58 vs. Butler 0. Our team is in the state playoffs starting next week. My son got to play in the game since they were ahead. Okay, back to the trunk or treat post.

My boys. Don't they look happy?
This is my daughter and her friend.
They used dry ice in the pots so it looked like it was cooking. They put the ice in a bowl and the candy around the outside of the bowl and used tongs to get the candy out. You could see the wonder in the kids eyes, wondering if it was hot and they thought it was cool.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

I won bows!

I entered Tami at Muddin thru Motherhood's contest and won these adorable fall bows. The turkey one is so cute. I teased when I entered thatI would tortur my 12 year old and make her wear them. Don't you love the look on her face. Total embarrassment- priceless! I sent them off today to my sweet little one year old niece. What is your niece's daughter? A great niece, a niece, what?

Meg's new playroom

When I was out boo-ing Meg at Whatever had put up a new post of her redone playroom. I totally love it! She has many other photos of it's greatness so take the link to her site and check it out. Fabuloso, Meg!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Boo You!

I've been boo-ed by Valarie. I am supposed to put the picture above on my sidebar to show that I have been boo-ed and you are too so somebody please tell me how to do that. Valarie, are you sure that you are playing a game and aren't just booing me cause I stink?

These are the people I am boo-ing. And, people, I do it because I love you and want to see you screaming with your hair stand up. If I don't really scare you pretend andyway, okay?
Kari and Kijsacool decorating sisters. Please tell us how to pronounce Kijsa- I have always wanted to know.
The frugal chick- she's such a frugal chick!
Tami at Muddin thru motherhood- my good friend that I will one day meet.
Rhoda from Southern Hospitality- One day we will shop together, okay, Rhoda?
Maggie at the Erratic Homemaker- The girl can cook and inspires me.
Michelle at Tiddly winks. She was already boo-ed so hopefully I scared her really good!
Meg at Whatever- She just got her pumpkins ready and everything. Put on your wig for us again, Meg. Sing us a little song.
Thrifty Florida Mom- she is one of my first blog friends. Soul sister in saving.
Susie at Bienvenue- Check out all her recent crafty projects. She is a fellow Mississippi girl. Wish we could craft together.
Connie from Laughter by Lakeside- The queen of the faux painting world- she has a new business with her own designs, she decorates. When are you coming to visit me?

Wedgie Free Wednesday

Do you recognize the photo and problems the poor dude is having? It is time to enter Hanes Wedgie free Wednesday to get you some new drawers. Good luck.

Works for me Wednesday-Filling out forms online

I send away for a lot of free samples from companies and also print a lot of coupons off the internet which require you to fill out the form with your name and address. I never use my first name. I always use my initials "HE" as my first name. That way if I receive any email or delivered mail with HE on it I know it is either just spam mail or might have to do with a coupon or product sample. I am not having my full name generating through companies that buy lists of names and addresses from people. It is also shorter to type, although most of the forms will automatically fill in when I double click.

Hey, it works for me! If you don't like this tip you can try to find a better one at Rocks in my Dryer.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Menu Plan Monday 10/27/08

I am planning on making some of the dishes that have been on previous weeks that we didn't get around to making- so I am not repeating and making my family eat the same things over and over.

Monday-(B)- Bacon, egg, and cheese sandwich
(L)- soup
(S)- Hamburger Helper
Tuesday-(B)- breakfast burrito
(L)- free tacos from Taco Bell
(S)- chicken and white bean chili
Wednesday-(B)- pancakes
(L)- ham sandwiches, carrots with ranch
(S)- pizza, salad
Thursday-(B)- cereal
(L)- quesadilla
(S)- chicken pot pie
Friday- (B)- egg, grits, toast
(L)- tuna fish sandwich, carrots
(S)- green bean/tater tot casserole
Saturday(B)- muffins (garage sale)
(L) Left over green bean casserole
(S) chicken, rice, green beans
Sunday (B) egg sandwich
(L) red beans and rice
(S) any leftovers or make sandwiches

See more ideas at an Organized Junkie.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

My new food saver!!!!!!!

I bought this two weeks ago and forgot to tell you all about it. I have wanted a food saver but was not paying the hundreds of dollars for it! I have kind of looked at the cheaper ones at Walmart, but still didn't want to spend the $75 for them. I bought this one for $20. I know! I am so excited. I have already put up some blanched green beans from my garden. I had enough green beans for about two people and didn't want them to sit a week waiting for more to be ready so I blanched them and put them in the freezer. Today I picked another batch so I can make them all. I also have frozen chicken. I bought some leg quarters for $.59 a lb. I bought 10 lbs and cooked about 5 lb in the oven and boiled 5 lbs so I would have cooked chicken and some broth. I have not used the jar sealer or canisters yet. I am not sure what I would want to put in them. I think I am going to seal my whole wheat, cornmeal, grits, and some other grains that have been opened. It will be great when we open taco shells and crackers that usually go stale. I am going to try sealing them next time.

You can find anything at a garage sale. One year we found those aluminum roasting pans that I like to use at Thanksgiving. They are all pretty expensive to throw away. I paid $.25 for them. We bought 500 coffee filters for $1 two Saturdays ago. I can use them to put snacks on for the kids. Most of my house is from a garage sale or La-Z-Boy. My dad owned two La-Z-Boy stores so most of our furniture is from them.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Cheap pirate costume and our pirate party

I did not want to spend a fortune on costumes. He is wearing one of my embroidered front white buttondowns, his jeans, girls boots from a thrift store ($2) a jeweled belt from a thrift store($1) a boys suit vest from a thrift store ($1) and we bought a package of bandanas and swords with eyepatches from Oriental trading company.
This little guy collected all the swords and was going around stabbing everyone. See the dead pirate in the background

The pirate on the right is my other son. We took a pair of ladies elastic waist pants and cut the bottows in a zig zag pattern. He wore another one of my white shirts with a black tie at his waist. He had a pair of girl boots also, but as you see he took them off- his were higher heel.
The kids playing with the cannon launcherThe treasure is found! We went ahead and filled bags with candy then filled the chest with beads and coins that they could get if they wanted.

The kids played with the swords, we had a treasure hunt, ate cake, opened presents, then they played kickball- pirate kickball. It rained yesterday and has been cooler so I was worried it would either rain or be too cold outside today. It was beautiful! Thank you, God!!!! I was scared of having boys, swords, and a treasure hunt inside and then stuffing them with sugar. Can you imagine? We had his party at this house last year- we had closed on it but not moved in- we were laying wood floors and painting. It was beautiful last year also. We are supposed to have highs in the low 30's coming soon, so it is always touchy with the weather.

Related Posts:
Pirate ship cake
Homemade cannon launcher

Pirate ship cake

Okay, not the best ever pirate ship cake, but he was really happy with it.
I baked a 8x13 sheet cake plus two 6 inch square cakes. I then froze them so they would be fewer crumbs when cutting and shaping. I then cut out the ship from the larger sheet cake.

I used the pieces that I cut off and then cut from the other smaller cakes to form the bow and the stern of the ship.
I then added an additional layer on the back. Since the cakes were smaller in width I had to make this layer shorther across.
I used a toothpick to make lines in the icing to simulate wood planks that the ship is made out of. I melted semi sweet chocolate chips in the microwave 1 minute and coated stick pretzels with it. Lay them on wax paper 3 across then top with an additional covered pretzel to make the top bar of the deck railing. I then went back and added a little chocolate where the rails meet the top bar. Freeze the covered pretzels about 10 minutes to harden. (The party started in 20 minutes at this point!)I bought a set of 5 candles that are on the top deck in the shape of a pirates and swords and other stuff, then we put 4 black and white striped candles on the side of the ship for cannons.
We used our lego people and the cannon and treasure chest from our Pirates of the Carribean ship. We also used the steering wheel. The cannon balls are malted milk balls.
We used the Keebler wafer cookie for the plank.
We copied a skull on paper for the sail and used wooden skewers as the masts.

Related posts:
Homemade cannon launcher
Cheap pirate costume and pirate party

Homemade cannon launcher

My husband made a cannon launcher. Supplies needed: 4 inch PVC pipe, clamp, black industrial strenght glove (from Dollar Tree) and styraphome balls from craft section (used to make ornaments), black spray paint.

Put a toothpick in the balls so that you can hold them to paint. Spray paint black.
Assemble cannon and paint black. He tied the fingers of the cannon with string so you could grab the whole "knot" to pull back and launch the cannon balls.

Friday, October 24, 2008

AARG! Ye be invited to a pirate party, Matey.

We are having a pirate party for my son that just turned 9 on Saturday. I made invitations, tore them out and burned the edges. The invitation say:

ahoy thar matey!
Stop yer pillaging, lend me yer ear, I have a message fer ye to hear! The treasure’s been stolen, it must be found. Tighten yer sashes, skull island be bound. Shiver me timbers, thars pirates on board, drinkin rootbeer and flailin their swords. Captain kyle sets sail October 25th at ten, we need all ye pirates to be there by then. Wear ye pirate shirt, the captain will give ye the rest. Come prepared to search for the pirate chest. Wave ye flag or call if ye will be attendin, have yer mum come back at twelve when the party’s endin. See ya thar- aarrgh!

We needed a treasure chest for the little pirates to find. I searched and this is the 2nd best I could find. The perfect one was $15.00 and this one was $1.00. I felt really bad because Grandmaw that painted this had artwork and a lot of painted things out there for sale. Knowing the time she put into it and that I would be painting over it- I just feel so bad.

This is what it looks like after painting. I may paint my initail on the front and use in my office area after the party. I will have to get my desk up to my room and play to see what I need to accessorize and store my craft stuff. If you look at the before photo the woman had painted part of the handle. I took my Sophisticated Finishes and painted the hardware back to a black/bronze color.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pumpkin Display

Balancing Beauty posted about this display that she found on this blog. I didn't ask permission to post the photo so if y'all want me to take it down let me know. I just thought it was funny and creative.

We are having a pirate birthday party Saturday and my new 9 year old asked if we could get a bottle of rum and pour it out and fill it with tea or sprite so he could be a real pirate. Um... NO! About 3 years ago we were watching Bananza each morning. Well, Gunsmoke came on after it and we watched it a few times... until, my now 10 year old (around 7 at the time) made the comment in the car that when he grew up he was going to drink beer. I was VERY concerned and questioned him. He said that because he wanted to be a cowboy and they always drank beer. I told him that it was not good for you and how people become addicted to it and it makes people do things they normally wouldn't and all. We quit watching Gunsmoke after that. It is funny how we can overlook some things that kids pick up on. Living in a home where we don't drink I don't think to have conversations about some things- well, also, when you get to the final two you can't remember who you have told what to anymore.


Valarie asked me what my vanity looked like. I thought I would just post the only photo I have. I didn't take the time to take new photos- this was in an old post. Not a very good photo.

Consignment check and purging challenge

I picked up the unsold clothing and my check from the semi annual Kids Market yesterday. I made $192.00 and have just a few things that did not sell.

We are having a garage sale in a couple of weeks and I will reduce them for that. I am also clearing out all my stash of free or cheap after rebate toiletries and medicines. This coming week I am going to list a few items on Craigslist to sell before the garage sale- if they do not go on Craigslist I will sell them at the garage sale. I figured I could get a better deal on Craigslist.

I have a vanity that I bought for $20 at a garage sale. We don't have anywhere for it here. I have it in the upstairs hallway with a big mirror over it but I would rather get money for it than hold on to it. I think I can recoup my $20. My husband has his truck liner and a ladder to sell. I also have a 35MM camera with a zoom lens. I picked up a box off the side of the road when we delivered papers in Florida. This was trash from a $400K house, so Yuppie trash, okay? It had the camera and lens in it, my tapestry curtains hanging in my family room now, my daughters hot pink comforter still in the bag, a George Forman grill, and other nice stuff along with their tax records- he made $75K in 1986 and a South Carolina drivers liscense for her.Don't judge me for looking at his tax records- I am very curious. I also peek in peoples showers when I go to their bathroom. Love it when I find toys and a little mess- makes me feel better.

Anyone else finding things to get rid of? I have so much stuff. I am not a pack rat- I will go through things and get rid of stuff that we haven't used. I can't stand messy closets and drawers. I do like to have a good stock of things we use like school supplies and clothes a size ahead and toiletries and food, I want my food! I have some items that I would like to purchase when I find a good deal like a food mill, pressure canner, storage boxes for my office. I love it when I don't have to really pay for them- just sell stuff to rebuy other things. Anyone wanta take a challenge to find $100 worth of items to sell in the next month?

Omaha Steaks Reniged on the Deal!

Doesn't this stink????

Thank you for shopping at Omaha Steaks! We appreciate your business and
are confident you will be delighted with your order.

We do show when placing this order, a special offer for a free item was
combined with the $25 reward card. As stated in all promotions for free
items, offers cannot be combined. Your order will ship without the free

If you have any questions regarding your order, please contact us at
1-800-329-6500. We would be happy to assist you.


Jamie Toledo
Omaha Steaks
Customer Care Manager

Y'all better have received this same letter! I am going to be mad if y'all are eating burgers. I guess we overwhelmed them and they scrambled to find loopholes to close the plug on the deal. I didn't see anything about not being able to combine offers- they processed it all without one little note. Doesn't leave a good taste in my mouth Omaha Steaks! I am getting potatoes. Wooey, can't wait!

I replied that I thought that they were reaching a lot of potential customers with the deal and opening doors and by not following through they were closing those same doors.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Publix 10/22/08

4-4 pack razors $2.50 each- (4) $2 Q= $.50 each pack
Nature Valley bars $2- $$.50 double coupon=$1
2- Cartons broth $4- $50 double coupon= $3/2

Total- $7.18

Walgreens 10/22/08

First transaction:
4- nestle/ hersheys bags of candy $10 - (2) $1 nestle coupons= $8 (will get $4 back from Mail in rebate)

2- Visine $8- (2)$2 Q= $4(- $2 RR=$2)

Total $13.44 paid with $10 Register Reward and $3.44 on gift card(from last month's rebate items)
OOP $0- received $2 Register reward for purchasing 2 visine

Transaction 2

3- 16 pack Benefiber Sticks $7.99 each -$5 easy saver coupon- (3)$2 Q
1 seed pack $.59 (this was a filler because I wanted to pay with RR which counts as a coupon and I needed another item to total the amount of coupons I was using)

Used $2 Register Reward from transaction #1
Paid balance with gift card- $$3.52- Received $8 Reg Reward for Benefiber
Made $2.48 on this transaction!

For more drugstore deals go to Centsiblle Sawyer's Drugstore Divas.

Kroger 10/22/08

6- Stouffers/ Lean Cuisines sale $10/6-(2)-$1/2 Q= $1.33 per dinner
2- Green Giant vegetables- 10/$10- (2) $.50-doubled coupons = $.50 each
4- Banquet Select Recipes $1.40 - $.50/2 doubled each = $.90 each
carrots- $1
celestial tea $1- $1 Q= free
12- cream mushroom/chicken/celery soup $1 each -(3)-$.30/4 doubled Q = $.85 each

Total $26.32 on gift card