This is on the counter in my kitchen. Mr Rooster has followed me from Florida. I had him over my sink in Florida.
My grandmother's dough bowl filled with a candle and potpourri. It is on the coffee table in the family room. Grandmaw Harper was born in the 1800's, I don't remember the exact date, but towards the end. She was my dad's mom.
A photo of my mom and my Aunt Bev. Bev is really my mom's cousin that came to live with them when they were teens. They were the same age. Can you see the indian that ran in their family? I was adopted but my birth mother said her mother had a lot of indian in her. From photos she was colored like my mom and aunt here.
This is the sweet nest in a spoon that I won a few weeks ago.
The garage sale key plaque that I repurposed. To see the transformation go here.
We have a big flat screen tv over the mantle so I don't have a lot of decorating room. I have these two candlesticks on each side. The go together but are not a match. My husband didn't notice for awhile. I have a lot of little secrets like that.
On to our downstairs turquoise bathroom. All the accessories are white. This big starfish was black. I bought it on clearance and painted it.
I love this fish. It was also on clearance at Michaels when I bought it. Almost two years and he still has his price tag on.
This little cabinet is behind the door. I bought this painting at a garage sale last weekend. A reader suggested putting a ribbon around the edge of the canvas instead of framing it. On the edge it has staples. I thought that was a great idea. I still need to hang it.
We added this cabinet over the toilet. It doesn't hold much. Every little bit helps, right?
I do love it's white wicker baskets. What is it about white wicker/rattan. I love natural colored rattan also.
My shelves are full of white dinnerware and accessories. Again, they go with any season. Just add different colored linens. If I could only have one set, instead of my 8 place settings, I would make it white.
Storage boxes in my closet. I have three holding photos that aren't in albums. I sorted them in order only for my thirteen year old to go through them and disorganize them.
Girl you've got alot of white goodies in that beautiful home of yours! I might have to go back and take a second peek!!!
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My Best
Love your white stuff! We have similar thoughts on dishes - I have white ones that I just mix in different colors of salad/dessert plates, etc. as the season/holiday changes, and change the table linens, etc.
Thought about and prayed for you today. Let us know when you have some news from your tests.
Thanks for joining in on the "White Wednesday" theme. I especially love your birdhouses. Great family picture as your header~love it!
Take care,
Love your mantel and birdhouses. All your photos look great. Welcome to White Wednesday.
I love white too! Such a crisp, clear color! I don't have much that's all white but I do have a few things. Loved your home. More! More!
Hi. Just came by for a viist.
Thanks for sharing my (oh, I guess your) =0)
bird nestie guy. =0)
Love that old door, and the old chippy bird houses. It it's white, chippy, bird related, I'm gonna love it!!
Great ideas for crafting too.
Great fun to be here.
Barbara Jean
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