We left Friday after work and went to Mobile to celebrate with family. On the way home we left Deer Park, AL and went up to Meridian, MS then over through Tuscaloosa (GO BAMA!) and home. This was on a store in Mississippi. You don't have to wear shoes anymore.

Torture to take this photo! As you see ONE child has to be a problem. I took my son to the store because all he brought was tee shirts. He picked out the argyle sweater vest. I held my tongue that it is retro 80's and I liked it.

We had babies for Christmas. This is my niece's son that is 18 months old. He has been in the hospital to find out why he can't keep food down and is now terrified to leave his mom's lap. I didn't get to touch him without wailing.

This is the cousin to Gabe above. Our two nieces (sisters) gave birth two days apart so these guys are like twins. She is precious,but she was busy and didn't want to take photos.

This is all the nieces and nephews from our two nieces. The baby is 3 months old and Peyton is 6. As you can see Gabe was missing MOM and Mikenzie was busy picking the ornaments off the tree. Poor Peyton sat and smiled forever while we tried to get them all together.

Sniff, new baby smell.... Little baby sweetness. She slept the whole day. I held her the whole day. I want a baby!!!!

My FIL lives on seven acres up in Deer Park, AL. We took our pistol and shotgun and I practiced with the pistol. I didn't want to shoot the shotgun because I like my shoulder, thank you. I figured that I needed adreneline to shoot it. I am now all practiced up and ready to take care of anyone coming in uninvited.
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