This is the new game room. I love this antique piano. It was made in the 1900's. I had to also put my curio cabinet in here. It was hard to figure out but I finally decided to put it on an angle. The sectional will be on the opposite wall from the piano. We are getting a flat screen to go above the piano.We walled up the opening between the old living and dining rooms. It is great because both rooms now have extra wall space. We put the wood floors down like it was open so if we ever want it open again all we have to do is knock down that wall and frame it up again. It is all going to be tight but much better use of space. It will give the kids a place to watch movies or play video games - especially when we have adults that we are entertaining at the same time.

I love both rooms! I also love the black and white floor, very cool. Did you make her head board?
How pretty! I love the wall colors and the black and white floor!
I am also tagging you . . . I hope this is how it is done! Please remove my answers and insert yours and then post.
Favorite person: My husband Randy. We have been married for 25 1/2 years.
Favorite food: Apple Fritters from Jerry's (grocery) on Sanibel Island, FL! YUM!
Quirks about me: I have a hard time saying no to people, but I am getting better at it! It seems my baby sis likes to reel me into her projects! I also have a hard time saying, no our family is busy or no that is when we have family time. I want to put my family first - ahead of all of the projects and activities.
How would the person who loves you the most describe you in ten words or less? Caring, Loving, Giving, Thoughtful, Opinionated, Bull Headed/Contrary, Loving Mother, Great Apple Pie Baker (These were given to me by my Daddy! Dads love you unconditionally - forever - no questions asked! Don't get me wrong My Hubby loves me too!!! I just wanted a different point of view! Leave it to my Dad!) Dads have an entirely different view than a husband does.
Any regrets in life? There were family issues around the time of our wedding and my family did not attend. If we were to do it all over again, I would try harder to come to an amicable solution that we all could agree too. Life was stressful then - my Dad was on a HUGE strike with Caterpillar which added to the issues. All was resolved about a year later and we have been close ever since!
What can you NOT live without: My morning coffee! Is that bad?
Favorite blog: Oh, I have so many I don't know how I would choose!
Something you can't get enough of: Snuggle and fun time with my children.
Worst job you ever had: McDonald's when I was 16 years old.
What job would you pay not to have? A social worker that must return children to parents that do not care about them.
If you could be a fly on the wall anywhere, where would it be? In each of my children's school classes - just to see how they interact, learn and have fun with the teacher and classmates.
Favorite Bible Verse: Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O Lord, my strength, and my redeemer. Psalm 19:14 In fact, my high school youth Pastor put this verse to song. . .
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight oh Lord. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight oh Lord. My strength and my redeemer . . . My strength and my REDEEMER. It was beautiful!!!
Guilty pleasure: Starbucks
Got any confessions: None
If you had $1000 to spend on YOURSELF, what would you spend it on? a new Coach purse
Favorite thing about your house: My house suits everyone in our family - I have my pretty things out AND the kids play all over the house - generally where I am. I want my home to be a haven for those who live there and those who visit.
Least favorite thing: Going to the doctor.
One thing you are bad at: Fractions in math.
If you could change one thing about your current circumstances, what would it be? My house addition would be complete.
Who would you like to meet someday? I would like to meet Mary the Mother of Jesus. Being the mom of four boys I am curious what Jesus was like when he was a boy. Was he inquisitive? Was he snuggly? Did he like to play in the dirt?
What makes you feel sexy? No comment here!
Who is your real life hero? My Mom
What is the hardest part of your job? Keeping my desk clutter to a minimum. Between work, the kids and the hubby I get a lot of paperwork, projects and to do stuff.
When are you most relaxed? When listening to Beth Moore on my ipod while relaxing on the porch with my eyes closed.
What stresses you out? Situations beyond my control.
Favorite quote: "People are just about as happy as they make up their mind to be." -Abraham Lincoln
Why do you blog? I blog because everyone tells me that I need to write a book about my life and experiences. I prefer blogging because I am meeting new friends and keeping in touch with my friends all over the world! Blogging helps me connect with other moms AND it really helps me relax.
Who are you tagging? Jana, Gina, Southern Seven, Sarah
Be sure to let me know when you post your answers so I can read them!
Both rooms look gorgeous. I love all your antique furniture. The piano is awesome. Ya'll are doing a lot of work. That is great.
Wow! I just LOVE progess! Glad to see things are moving into place. I like the new home for the piano, too! Everything is just so pretty. You've been blessed with some beautiful items to work with. It'll be fun to see the pictures when it's *all done.*
Valerie- I made the headboard out of our old coffee table. We had a leg that no matter how much glue and renailing one of the legs would come loose. It made my husband go insane. I stopped him from throwing it in the trash because it was a good solid wood with great carving. He looked blankly at me when I told him I was painting it and using it as a headboard.
Is that a Madame Alexander baby doll on the piano???
I had that one as a little girl (still do!) and loved her so much!
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