Rocks in My Dryer is having everyone post photos of their dishes. Wow, are you ready for me? My husband makes fun of me that I have so many dishes and that I still look at more when we go to garage sales. I am the laughing stock of my family. But who cares? I have dishes for all occasions and like to change things up to match my mood or food. ( I rhymed) Blogger will not let me upload my photos at one time so I am making multiple postings so keep scrolling down till no dishes are left. You may want some coffee or a Coke ( for those outside of the South a Coke can be a Sprite, Dr Pepper, Pepsi, grape drink, anything that comes out of a can or 2 liter bottle. )

My white dishes are everyday dishes. I mix them with Christmas dishes and some others if I need to. They are really the best investment if you can only buy one set because they go with whatever colors you use in the house or linens for all occassions.

These pink and dusty blue/gray floral dishes are my wedding dishes. I broke all but three settings during two moves ago. We used to use it every Sunday. I hope to use it for Anniversaries now that I only have three settings.

The blue and white floral dishes are my mom's dishes that I inherited when she died. They were used for all our special dinners growing up. I have I think 14 settings of it and it has many pieces to the setting- even finger bowls.

I have 12 place settings of the Christmas dishes. I can mix it with the white dishes to make 24 settings. I also have 4 Christmas plates that I picked up at garage sales that are of a different pattern.I get out the Christmas china the day after Thanksgiving and we eat on it each evening, using red goblets. We light candles and have a candlelight meal even when we bring home burgers and fries. The kids LOVE to have candlelight and eat with the dishes and goblets. It really makes us calm down from all the busy days of Christmas to use the candles. ( We have not done this tradition well the past two years because we have moved Thanksgiving weekend the last two years. It has been paper plates and take out for a while till we settle. But, we will start again this year.)
They ALL are beautiful!!!! Thanks for sharing! My problem is having the space to store them all. I have always wanted Christmas dishes though......;)
I actually have the glass luncheon plates -about 30 in storage. And,I forgot that my MIL gave me the 12 reindeer plates when we went at Christmas. She got them from someone and didn't want them. Pottery Barn has some that look just like the ones she gave me so I don't know if they came from there or not- I only opened the box and peeked at them and said, "YES!" and they have not been opened again. I did mention that I have problems didn't I?
You are too funny.........
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