Friday, March 28, 2008


This is my 3rd day of REALLY trying to eat right and excercise. I did excercise today and on Monday but did not walk yesterday. I have been really doing well with eating and not cheating. I am really struggling today though. And we are going to a Sunday School party tonight where they are serving meatball subs and the rest of us are to bring chips and desserts. I think I am going to eat the taco soup my daughter is making for her and her friends that are coming to my house tonight. That way I will be able to avoid giving up and eating everything tonight.

What do you do to avoid eating everything that is wrong? We have our Supper group dinner tomorrow night. I almost feel like not participating just to avoid parties. It makes it so much harder. It seems like there is a holiday every few weeks or a church or school event where food is right there for you to smell and just tempts you. I am so weak....


Anonymous said...

I know it is hard but stick with it!!! I have given up Diet Coke which I was drinking over 6 a day. I am also trying to lose weight and not drinking the soda has really curbed my appetite. I am also eating my meals on smaller plates and taking smaller bites and chewing very carfully and slowly to enjoy the food. Good Luck !!!

Michelle said...

This is why I do Weight Watchers...You can attend all your events and eat whatever at such occassions...just smaller portions and you can also redeem yourself later by cutting back on points...I've done all the diets and this is the only one that allows me to stay married and a mother of two..otherwise I'm ill and no one can live with me. My husband likes to eat and eat out too. I've learned how to handle situations like these and I'm not having many problems anymore. There are so many different diets out there you just have to find the one you can live with...I think bottom line is moderation,cuting back on sugars, salts and fried foods, because for me I just blow it any other way....

You sound like your'e doing a great job...Keep it up, you can do it.....

Also try to take the vitamin's good for you and it's a natural diuretic and anything helps!