Stand up mirror $5! I was excited about this one.

Two valances $.50. I love this fabric! My kitchen growing up was these colors. We had gray laminate cabinets with yellow countertops the same color as in the courtain. The curtains were a print of fruit in all these colors. My mom hung fruit shaped sponges on the alcove above the window. The home was built in the 50's and had no dishwasher (Me!) and we had one of those refrigerators where the top is rounded. You opened the little metal door inside for the small freezer that had ice cube trays. The trays were metal and you pulled the handle to crack the ice away from the sides.

This pom-pom fringe was worth what I paid all by itself. Are you not just basking in it's cuteness with me? I am going to use the material for sewing projects not as a valance.

Three shirts for me. I don't think I like the one in the middle though. If not it will become material.

Five flannel baby blankets. I want to make a scrappy quilt with these. They were $.50 each and are so so soft.

Flowers $1. I took out the yellow colored stuff and used the brown curly stuff and pods in my arrangement in the foyer.

Three Wilton pans for $4.00.

Wall sconce flower vase $1

PJ pants $1.50.

Gap pants $1.00
You know, I need to move to where you are. We just rarely seem to have good finds here, or maybe I am going to the wrong neighborhoods.
People seem to really mark things up which is why I won't buy them. Some people have no clue about what a garage sale should be and want what they paid for it!
I cannot believe the deals you find at garage sales. I like the valances with the fringe. Would make cute cute cute cuffs on capris for a little girl, or fringe on a dress/jumper. I also like the flannel quilt thingie you said you were going to make with the baby blankets. You're so talented and creative! I wish I had half of your talent to be able to do these projects you seem to just pop out without much effort. I also like the mirror - a great deal for $5. I went to a school closing sale today. My only purchase was an overhead projector (which I'll either use myself in our HS or I'll donate to the Church), five boxes of transparencies for it, and two Rainbow Fish books for the girls. They also had a piano that I really wanted to get but couldn't quite work out the details for delivery (we don't have a truck anymore so I would have to have it delivered). I want to teach the girls to play piano.
I had another day of know garage sales because we had to be at the football field all day. I know I want get to go next week either and probably not the next. I need to get out there because soon it will be too cold. love the mirror.
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