Friday, July 31, 2009


Today I am joining in on the Heirloom Party hosted by Emma Calls Me Mama.
First on my list is this antique Bible box that belonged to my mom's dad. He died when she was 16 so I never knew him. Inside the box is this old leather insurance holder.

And inside that is a print out of our family history going back through my dad's mom's family. It starts with the first person who came from England and includes each of their wives and children and when they were born and died.

This Singer sewing machine belonged to my mom's grandmother. My grandmother got married at the age of 14 to a man in his 30's. They built a home on land next to my mom's grandmother. My mom was born two years later and was an only child. Because my grandmother was 16 her mother actually was a big influence and did a lot of the cooking for both families. My grandmother never really learned to cook or sew. My mom took after my grandmother and loved to sew and play the piano. My mom was the church pianist at the age of 9 on through when she married my dad.

This is the log cabin my grandfather built on the land next to my granmother's family. Her brother built across the street. It was a small two bedroom home. My mom's cousin, Beverly Robinson, painted this painting of the home in 1975.

I have a set of silver that desperately needs polishing. It is so heavy and beautifully carved.

I don't know who the little purse and car belonged to but they have always been in our cedar chest. The purse is dry rotted but I don't care.

This antique dresser was my great-grandmother's also.

My dad worked at Gayfer's as the furniture and drapery manager and buyer for the southeast. They picked up this chest of drawers early in their marriage. I love the handles and shape.

This was my mom's cedar chest. I need to work on this as it is looking unloved.

We bought this piano from a couple at church that were going through some tough times and needed money. It is from the 1900's and is made of Tiger Oak.

An old window that I am using on the wall. Love the chippy paint. It isa gray blue showing through.

My husband's grandmother's china pieces.

A desk that was brown and we have redone a couple of times. I love this desk because it has been in foyers, baths, bedrooms, and is just the right size.

My mom's china. We pull it out for birthday teas. It started when the kids were small. We brew some tea and they always choose cinnamon rolls, powdered doughnuts. They have a ball making tea with spoonfuls of sugar.

This buffet and table were bought by my mom and dad when they married. It was old at that time. The table has 3 leaves and I have had 14 people with room for more.

For those who are new to my blog, we decided that we didn't need a designated dining room as we needed a place for the kids to go and play games and watch movies more. We put the dining table and buffet in the foyer and can use it if needed, but the rest of the time we are using the space in our home more wisely.


  1. So many great treasures! I especially like the chest of drawers with the large mirror. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You have some lovely things - I'm sure they are priceless to you. Thanks for sharing them.

  3. You have some really beautiful heirlooms! I love the piece of paper with your husbands family history, mostly because I wish I could find something like that :)


  4. Hello - thank you for joining the party! You have such wonderful treasures. It's so refreshing to me when I see people actually using their heirlooms if they are able. I especially love that chest of drawers and cedar chest. So beautiful.


  5. Oh my, you have some wonderful furniture! Love the dresser! Your china is very pretty, too. Lucky you!
