Sunday, July 26, 2009

Make You Home Sing Monday

You know what I am going to do today to make my home sing? I am going to allow myself and my kids time away from housework so that we can get out and play a little. It seems all I do is try to get everyone to clean up. As soon as we finish a meal, it is time for another. As soon as I get all the laundry done they bring stuff they found under the bed. I sometimes really am afraid to see myself when I look in the mirror. Where did the fun mom go? The one that sat and played on the floor, read hours of books, sang silly songs, went fun places. She has been slowly dying and turning into.... me. So, to celebrate my daughter's 13th birthday, which was last month, we are going to the water park. I am taking a book and my camera. I hope that we can enjoy a little fun time out away from the daily duties of homelife. Now pray that we don't end up in the ER. Do you remember to have fun? Yeah, I know, I am slapping myself for you.

After you read all my past blog posts you can go to Nan's at MomsTheWord for more ways that people are making their homes sing today.


  1. I totally relate . . . that fun Mom has all but disappeared with me too! Thanks for your great post! We all need reminders from time to time . . . life is too short!

  2. Good for you, girl! Man, I could really do with some water right now. It's 80s today and supposed to be in the 90s tomorrow!

    We do need to find that balance. We don't want to err to much on either side.

    Unfortunately I have goofed off to much and that's why I have got to play catchup tomorrow!

  3. Forgot to say thank you for linking up today!

  4. I hope you have lots of fun today!

  5. Play is good for us all. We need it!
