Monday, June 29, 2009

Here, let me get you a bandaid for that

Edit: I did NOT do this, I found this somewhere else, but they didn't do it either.


  1. NO WAY!! that is too funny! Very creative I might add.

    Oh, and that green platter....all mine. Covet away. :)

  2. I love this. It's so creative, lol! Almost makes me want to do it just to see if anybody notices...hehehe!

  3. I have done this. Holly fell while riding her bike, I couldn't find the first aid box, it was missing in action because of my children. So that is the first thing I could think of to stanch the bleeding. It works well and when we found the first aid box we changed to some real bandages.

  4. This compliments the Tampons for Bullet Wounds idea nicely.
