Saturday, November 15, 2008

Rite Aid Deals for 11/19=11/25

For this weeks Rite Aid deals go here. Thanks Southern Savers for putting together the deals.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did appreciate your remarks about contentment, but it is easier to be contented with frugality when you have enough for basic needs. What do people like we do, Christians for many years, when the husband has been out of work for 2 of the last 3 years? We are now penniless, $56,000 in debt and facing foreclosure. Right before all this happened, I went through surgery and treatment for breast cancer. I have to admit that I have been knocked back on my heels about this. We have faithfully tithed and given all our lives, probably close to $250,000. And like you, we have always been frugal and lived within our means. What this has demonstrated to me is that we live completely by grace. We can do all that we can, but the will of God will be done. If this can happen to us, it can happen to anyone.