Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Freezer cooking

I bought leg quarters on sale for $.59 a lb. so I bought 3 packages of it for the week. I boiled one package so I would have broth. While it was boiling I put the rest in the oven to bake. I sprinkled one pan with chicken seasoning, one with teriyaki marinade, and one with italian dressing. I then used the chicken I boiled to make my supper of King Ranch Casserole. I had 2 cups of it left over so I froze it. I also removed the teriyaki and italian chicken from the bone and used my Food Sealer to seal them to freeze. I put the pot of broth in the refrigerator and today will skim the fat and put the broth in containers to freeze.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Looks good and great idea...freezing stuff for later.
I feel like I've been gone forever...I enjoyed catching up on your the Halloween pics...