Protein Pancakes
scrambled egg and 1 sl WW toast
egg and ham cup
boil egg, cereal
burrito-egg,bacon,cheese,green pepper and onion
bagel sandwich- egg,cheese,and bacon
orange and cheese
pear muffin
carrots and Ranch
orange and cheese
pear muffin
Turkey sandwich with lettuce and tomato
black bean soup
tuna sandwich
salad with ranch chicken(beans and corn)
chicken quesadilla
black bean soup
chicken roll up
Mid Meal
carrot and ranch
orange and cheese
gelatin and nuts
turkey roll up
orange and cheese
gelatin and nuts
spaghetti and salad
chicken enchiladas
sausage pasta salad-broccoli
soy lemon chicken, edemmame, brown rice
chili and brown rice
grilled chicken with corn salsa
pizza and salad
banana pudding
chocolate pudding
vanilla peach pudding
banana pudding
chocolate pudding
orange and cheese
For more menu ideas visit Organized Junkie.
Hi there!
I stumbled upon your blog through the mpm today :)
Wow! These meals look great! Do you have some recipes - some of these things seem mouthwatering...
Protein Pancakes
pear muffin
black bean soup
ranch chicken(beans and corn)
chicken quesadilla
chicken roll up
chicken enchiladas
vanilla peach pudding
banana pudding
Gosh, these are things you just don't find in Italy... Yum!
Hi there!
Thanks for the comment. Wow! I can't believe you managed to iron so much!! :O You are brave to take on such a task.
Thanks for taking the time to get the recipes... please don't go out of your way though. I am on a diet at the moment and won't be able to eat any sweet treats till I've lost some kilos. I weigh 28kg too much at the moment and my whole family has started a diet this week. We've been doing it since Monday and it's real tough, but fortunately when everybody is doing it together we motivate and support each other. ;)
I cannot wait to get rid of all this extra baggage and get back to my slim self. The important part is to keep active too and I plan to! I love food too much not to!! :p
I look forward to trying all these recipes - they sound so interesting and different to our usual menu :D I also have some recipes on a blog, but most of the photos are still invisible, I'm working on fixing that. You can find them here: http://kitchen.daily-dabble.com
Thanks again and have a super day!!
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