I finally found a full length mirror. I have been leaving the house for 7 years only seeing from the waist up. I sometimes stand on a chair to try to see if my shoes go. I found this black framed bulletin board that I am going to put in the kitchen.

I got three white shelves. I searched EBay forever for these Pottery Barn frames. I bought two at Target about 4 years ago- they were copies of the Pottery Barn frames. You slide in kids artwork. They are over $40 at PBarn. I paid $3 for both! Another frame and candles and curtain clips for the Nester mistreatments.

I got this folding table and chairs for $30.00.

She threw in the Shabby Chic floral tablecloth.

I got all these for $.25 each. I am going to sell all the clothes in the kid's mart sale they have twice a year.

Three smocked dresses.

I got the two topiaries for $5.00 each. The iron planter was $10.00. The yellow bowl was $2.00.

A cereal keeper. Two gift boxes. Two watering cans.

This yellow bowl was made in Italy.

My neighbor across the street is Chinese. She brought over these for me. They are "chinese cucumbers" Aren't they huge? They are about 15 inches long. She said they taste the same. They were and experiment the she just threw under a window and produced like crazy.
O.k. I am so envious of your finds! How is it you find such nice things? Everytime I go out and about I don't find a thing! I need to come and go to the sales with you! You have got to be the queenie of finds!
My fav - the yellow bowl from Italy! Awesome!
I'm so jealous of your topiaries I couldn't spell right and had to delete my first comment *lol*
Southerner Dear, you ROCKED the Yard Sales! What great finds!! I love the table and chairs the best. I would LOVE to have those.
Very Cool finds ALL!
What a great haul! You got some great bargains!
I guess I need to figure out what I do wrong. When I go to yard sales, I rarely find anything WONDERFUL like that. Maybe I'm shopping in the wrong neighborhoods? Please share tips!
So if I wasn't going to Cullman again next week, I would be on your doorstep Saturday morning to go yardsaleing with you.
I want to go with you!!!
Blessed, Val and dawn
Well, I can fit in 7 people if you all want to come. I can throw more in the trunk but that is needed for our purchases.
So I guess that means you're kicking me out.
d- not kicking you out! You are on the roof.
What great deals!! I want to come along too. I'll sit on the bumper, if I have to. I wish we had good sales in our neighborhood and that I didn't have to work on Thursdays/Fridays so I could hit the sales early.
Great Job! Waht beautiful finds!
Cents To Save
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