Friday, April 18, 2008

5 Budget Busters

Mom 0f 2 boys has tagged me to list my five biggest budget busters.

Groceries- I count eating out in our grocery budget so everytime we get busy and eat out it ends up costing us and I go over budget. When I find good deals it is hard to say no and pass them by. I use my budget as a average so some months it is over and some might be under, but really we don't have the under- I see we are under and buy more or eat out.

Library/video fines- I am horrible at getting them back on time! I owe $20 at the library right now. I have used my daughter's card at check out so I don't have to pay. It is for 5 videos that we were charged $1 a day each for a week.

Magazines and books- I love them and get a lot of magazine subscriptions with my birthday and Christmas money, but I am a sucker to buy more- especially at thrift stores and garage sales and check out lines.

Fees for the kids- I have two in baseball and we are spending about $8 a week for batting cages before the games. The coach will tell us to meet at the cages before each game and each time it is $2. My son forgot a drink from home and a gatorade was $1.50. We have to pay for the AP exams for daughter each semester at $84.00 each. Teacher and coach and team mom and helper gifts. My son needed $10 a week ago for their group Biology project. (They are making compost bins and researching how to build it and the best things to add and make a good compost. All her Biology classes are doing this and then they are going to sell the compost to the community.)

Remodeling/decorating- I over spend a lot on remodeling from what I budget for projects. Then I will find what I need or want for a great price. Just depends I guess. I hate to pass it up when I find the perfect thing I want. I always say that this is the end of this project and then I won't have to spend any more, then I find another project to do.

I am not going to tag 3 people- if you would like to join in just leave a message with a link and I will link to you.


Jennifer said...

Oh, I hate those $1 per day video fines at the library! I prefer the $.10 a day fines, which we tend to accumulate no matter how hard I try to get back stuff on time.

Tami said...

Those are probably my biggest budget busters too. Sports kill us and when we have games on Saturday we just end up eating out because our schedules are so crazy which then cuts into the grocery budget. I have been pretty good about cutting my budget using coupons for stuff so that I have enough left over to "play" with on the weekends but it's tough with a family of 6.