Monday, February 18, 2008

My Friend has published a book!

Click on title for link to her website

When we first moved to Florida this was one of the first people that I met. I did not want to go to a women's fellowship alone and have to feel awkward, so I said that I would not be able to make it. This sweet woman called and asked if she could pick me up and made me feel so welcomed and loved. When we walked up to church the next Sunday she ran and hugged me and said she was glad to see me. For someone who is shy and doesn't just walk into a room and let everyone know that I am there it is so nice to be taken under someone's wing until you find your way. I was asked to join the women's ministry team and Beth was a mentor to me for the three years that I served. It was sad to see her family move away and soon after she left she became pregnant. This is a time in her life when her three children were all in high school so it was an adjustment to start over for them. She has turned that experience into a ministry to other mothers and has now published a book. I am so proud to know her. She truely has a heart for women and is a genuine friend.

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