Friday, May 11, 2012

Garden May 11, 2012

The photos loaded crazy! I am so excited to see things growing in the garden!
I have 5 sweet banana pepper plants. We've already eaten one and looks like this one is almost
ready to pick.

My green pepper plant is producing well. They are so cute when they are so small.

                                                            This is jalapeno peppers
More sweet banana peppers
The right side of the garden beds

I have red potatoes in half this bed and Russet potatoes in the other half. We are going to get straw today to top off the bed and cover the plants.

Onions in the front part of the bed. I pulled cauliflower, broccoli, and lettuces today that were in the back part of the bed. I planted a yellow crookneck squash in the rear right section. I need to think of something I can plant in the space until the squash gets large.
Lima (Butterbean) bed. I replanted in the spaces today.
The corn is coming up good. I decided not to replant the bare spots, thinking I want to get it all harvested at the same time so I can do a second planting before fall. I planted a couple of yellow squash plants today that will trail the bottom of the corn.

This is my pink-eye purple hull peas. They are very spotty. I don't know if the seeds didn't germinate or if birds got some of them. I replanted today to get a full bed.


My tomato plants are coming in really good. They are about the size of nectarines.

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