Saturday, January 7, 2012

Cheat Meal Day

I get a cheat meal each week so today was my day! I didn't plan for it so just got lazy tonight and decided it would be cheat meal. I didn't get real bad I had a salad with grilled Greek chicken, boiled egg, cucumber, tomato, Ranch, bacon bits, cheddar cheese. I also had 8 white chocolate with peppermint kisses to polish off what has been on my counter all week. I have thought every day that I would just have one, but every day told myself I would not give in and save it for my cheat meal.

I didn't exercise today. It was raining which brought on a headache all day. So, tomorrow would have been an off day and I will go walk or do something tomorrow to get in today's workout. I am learning to make it a priority and not let it get totally pushed off my schedule. It really helps me to think of my big goal and that it has been broken down into bites and this is what portion I "have" to get done this week or today. I will weigh Monday morning and get to see if anything is changing yet. Well, I KNOW there are changes I can feel them. I have more cardio endurance after just one week. I feel I am not as dependant on sugar.... hope I didn't kill that with my kisses tonight! I feel I am making working out a habit. My muscles have been sore. So, whether the scale shows it or not there are changes going on.


  1. I am with you today! I let myself have some chocolate too. I ate well all weak and still only had that and I had some chicken wings at my girl friends for lunch. It helps me to have a day when I can have a few things!

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