Friday, December 4, 2009

I won again!!!

I just found out I won another blog giveaway! I won Jeanne Winters book Inspirational Home. She is a designer and has a new gift line at Hallmark.

Do you enter giveaways? I sure do. In the past I have won :

A blog design- in the process
a spoon nest to sit around from Treasures of the Heart
Backyard Homestead book
Answers in Genesis book
3 bows from Tami at Muddlin thru Motherhood
fabric scraps
$25 CVS gift card

I am sure I am forgetting something, but you get the idea. It is so fun to recieve gifts.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations & Merry Christmas! Thanks for visiting "Inspiring Ideas" and entering my giveaway.
    I love the picture of the boys HOLDING a snowman! Funny!
    Enjoy the book!
