Monday, October 5, 2009

Menu Plan Monday 10/5/09

This week I am trying to eat up some items so this is a clean out your freezer/pantry menu.

Monday- shephard's pie
Tuesday- red beans and rice
Wednesday- frozen parmesean chicken, box scalloped potatoes, green beans
Thursday- Taco Hamburger Helper
Friday- Homemade pizza
Saturday- black and white bean chili
Sunday-lentil burritos ( mexican meatless filling recipe) with homemade tortillas

I would like to make up some freezer foods: biscuits, waffles, pancakes, homemade bread.
For more menus check An Organized Junkie.

1 comment:

  1. Hi!

    Southern Seven: Menu Plan Monday 10/5/09 now we will be upload her more good info.

    Pornstar Martini Cocktail Recipe
