Friday, October 30, 2009

Last minute costumes

The boys decided last night that they wanted to dress up for home school classes today. We had NOTHING. Nada. So, we ran to the thrift store and I bought a black sleeveless shirt and cut the bottom to fit as a vest. I cut the bottom edge in a strip for the belt. Then, we went to Walmart and bought the afro wig. Jacob borrowed his sister's shirt and other sister's glasses. Whew! Saved.

This is what the shirt I bought looked like before. (Notice the joy of wearing a ladies shirt for the camera) I was planning on cutting it and sewing it correctly, but I don't feel all that well, so I cut it and exclaimed with much excitement that it looked fabulous with the jagged edge of being cut. JUST LIKE A PIRATE! (The excitement in your voice is what sells the idea, I promise!)

1 comment:

  1. Just found your blog...appreciate your creativity and busy life. Great costumes for the guys!
