Wednesday, October 21, 2009

WFMW_Frugal Fashions

For today's Works For Me Wednesday I am sharing how being on clothing store mailing lists helps you find bargains. Lane Bryant sent out a pamphlet and it had a coupon for $15 off any $15 item. I was able to buy the two shirts above for $3.22 with tax. Even if you do not wear plus size clothing you can register to be on the mailing lists of stores like this. They usually send out a coupon like this twice a year. They had dress socks for $7.99 and jewelry. I found the shirts on the clearance rack. The white blouse was reduced to $20 and had an additional 40% off- making it $12.00. The green t-shirt was marked down to $9.99 with an additional 40% off- making it $6.00. I then used the $15 coupon. Wow, $3.22 for two tops! Check out more WFMW posts on Kristen's blog.


  1. Wow, what a great deal. I love me a bargain.

  2. I love that promo! I haven't been in there for awhile, I should stop by.

    Thanks for the reminder.


    Stop by and see me sometime over at Free2BeFrugal.
