Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Italian Smoked Sausage Salad

1 lb Hillshire Farm smoked sausage
16 oz spaghetti noodles, cooked and drained
2 cups broccoli, steamed until tender
Italian dressing

Slice the sausage, then quarter each piece so it is bite size pieces.
Place sausage on a cookie sheet and bake or broil to heat and cook through. It is good when it browns a little.
I pour the noodles in a large bowl. Add the sausage and broccoli and toss. I then pour about 1 cup of dressing over it all, adding more if needed to coat everything. Toss to coat all ingredients.

It is even better when this sits in the refrigerator overnight to marinade. It is good both hot and cold. This is so quick and easy for a last minute meal to put together. Slap your husband's hand when he tries to pick out the pieces of sausage.


  1. Thanks for the recipe. I have a lot of smoked sausage in my freezer and we are getting tired of jambalaya. I might try this tomorrow night.

  2. Um, that would be me picking out the pieces of sausage, lol!

    I remember when I first found your blog I read every post from the very beginning. You must have thought I was stalking you, lol!

    But I remember thinking how awesome it was that you managed during that time (you did a post about it or commented about it). you made it through.

    When my husband was out of work for an entire year, we had to really mean business in regards to being frugal.

    We didn't buy olives, or chips, or things like that (although we did splurge on chips once because hubby wanted to surprise the kids).

    I have always tried to have at least two meatless meals a week, so that wasn't much of a stretch for us.

    Still, we made the change, just like you. In our case, all our friends knew my hubby was out of a job.

  3. OOOH Thanks so much for the recipe! I'll try this one! I finally got you added to my link page...I'm getting caught up...(i'm think..LOL ;) Love your blog...I'll be back soon! Nancy

  4. Congratulations, you won the mushroom clothespins giveaway! Please email me at kawaiicrafter@gmail.com with your address so I can get them out to you as soon as possible.

