Tuesday, August 25, 2009

There's a snake in my garden!

Cameron was taking out our backyard pond when he heard a frog croaking. He looked in the brush and this snake had the frog halfway in his mouth and the little frog was screaming his head off. So, we got to go snake hunting to get him out of our pond area. I am guessing it is a Garter snake, but I don't know.


  1. Mmm hmm... time to move! Snakes and I do not co-exist.

  2. glad that was you and not me!

  3. Oh dear! I have no idea what snake that is either, but I have not enjoyed finding them unexpectedly in my garden.

    I don't mind snakes, and have even held them on occasion, but I don't like them sneaking up on me!

  4. Too bad you didn't get a picture of the snake with the frog in its mouth!!! Yikes!! Gives me tingles just thinking about it!

  5. I photographed M's shoes for you!

    Also I'm wondering if you could help me at all?

    I've been asked to do a reading at my friends wedding on 19th September. As I've not really done anything like this, would you hapen to be able to suggest any bible readings that might be suitable? The best we've found so far is 1Corinthians 13 v4-13 (think that is how to cite it?)

    I would have e-mailed this to you, but I don't have your e-mail address!

    Thanks in advance.

    Hugs x
