Tuesday, July 7, 2009

8 day vacation with one carry on bag

I have edited pieces down to where I can fit everything in one bag to take on my trip. Everything will mix and match with other pieces so that I can change the look a little and not wear the exact same thing each day. Tomorrow I will drive to Atlanta. I am wearing white capri pants, that I am not taking, with the tunic pictured below. I have a pair of shorts and top that I also am not taking, that I will leave with my dad to wear home.

I have to have 8 days of clothing for my California trip. The highs where we are staying are 68. That is just so strange coming from Alabama and Florida. Most of our winter days reach 68. I am wearing my jeans, a white tee, a yellow sweater, and red polka dot flip flops on the plane. I can take the sweater off, but figure it may be cool.
I will wear my yellow hoop earrings and white bracelet.

On the second day I will wear blue and white seersucker walking shorts with a red tee, and the same flip flops. I will pair them with a multi colored bracelet.
Third day I will wear my red dress with my flip flops for a casual look.

Fourth day I will wear my jeans and tunic, my wedge sandals, and a turquoise necklace set.

Fifth day I will wear my seersucker shorts with the white tee and sweater from the first day. Pairing them with the flip flops.

Sixth day I will wear my jeans with the red tee. I will dress it up a touch with the wedge heels and white necklace and bracelet set.

This is my exercise clothes. A brown pair of yoga pants that can double as something to wear over my bathing suit to the pool. Two tops that will dry quickly when I wash them out in the sink. My tennis shoes.

I have two options for a bathing suit cover up. One is the tunic and the other is the yoga pants with a tee or tank. As you see both coordinate in color and will work.

On the seventh day I can wear the seersucker shorts with a sleeveless white polo.

To dress the red dress up a little I have white jewelry and black shoes. I am also bringing a white cashmina scarf to use as a wrap or I can use it as a scarf with some of the other outfits. Or I can tie it around my hair because we have a convertible Mustang, and pretend I am Aubrey Hepburn.

I thought I would show how I fold to prevent wrinkles. I put the two exercise tops on top of each other and roll in the pants. I actually did one more foldover of the whole thing when I put it down in the bag.

I laid the red top down totally open face down. Then did the same with the white sleeveless polo on top of the red shirt. Then I folded as folding one shirt. The double layer keeps both from getting folding lines. When I put this in the bag I also folded once more toward the pants.
Use all the space you have. I stuffed my shoes with socks. Luckily my feet don't stink.

I put all the gel/liquids in a ziploc bag and then placed it in my makeup bag. This prevents leakage problems, but you have to remove these items and place in a pan for them to inspect. The bag makes it easy to get out and put back in. Jewelry is also in a bag that I put in the same pocket in my bag.
Here is the bag loaded. The only thing missing is my curling iron and toothbrush. I slipped my purse down in the section on the right. I want my purse for shopping but do not want to carry it as a seperate bag. The section on the left is my make up bag and where I will put my curling iron.

This is fully closed and ready to go. I decided to also take the computer, actually my daughter's computer. Mine is a laptop with the largest monitor so it was too big.

Here is the list of what I have in the bag:
Dress, shorts, white tee, white polo, red tee, tunic, bathing suit, yoga pants, two exercise tops, slip, bras, undies, tennis shoes, wedge shoes, black shoes, cosmetic bag, camera plus zoom lens, purse with wallet, sunglasses, glasses, cashmina scarf, jewelry, Journey devotional and Daily Bread devotional, earphones and MP3 player, notebook and pen, book, magazine, and a resistance band.
Sent with husband: Shred DVD, denim jacket, red fleece zip front jacket.
Does this officially prove that I am a nerd now?


  1. No, not a nerd... but it does make me wish you would come pack for my trip in three weeks!!!

    Hope you take lots of pictures for your blog readers. It's always fun to take a vacation through someone else!

  2. You are way too organised!! But well done, you! Hope you have a great trip xx

  3. I want to see your dad wearing your clothes... "that I will leave with my dad to wear home". LOL!! Sorry, I couldn't help but point that out. ;0)

    You looked REALLY good in the red dress Sunday; I meant to tell you so in person, but got distracted.

    So what's up with the convertible? I haven't heard about this yet.

  4. I should have had you pack our luggage for our China trips. You rock! You could become a professional travel organizer assistant for the rich and famous. Have fun in California!

  5. Christy- Ha, ha. I was REALLY tired when I posted this. My dad is 6'4" so that would be really bad to see him in my clothes:)

  6. I'm extremely impressed! I always overpack way to much....I have those same yellowbox flip flops...love them...everyone calls them my minnie mouse shoes.
