Friday, June 25, 2010

Kitchen almost after remodel photos

I have to get the real before photos off a dead computer. The cabinets were ugly early 90's oak with an orangy finish and exposed hinges. Hunter green counter tops. A basic faucet that was not tall enough to fit tea pitchers or large pots underneath. Brass handles. Large fluorescent light fixture. A fan over the table-a hunter green fan. Laminate flooring. Medieval curtain tiebacks with lacy curtains. The photo below is mid way through, but my closest before I have available at the moment. midway through: we still had not put on the upper cabinets or replaced the counter tops from the hunter green laminate.
view from family room

view from entryway

We still have lights, back splash, accessories, curtains and just tweeking to do to be an after.


  1. 5This looks so similar to what My husband and I did to our old house. We forgot to take a before pic too! White cabinet, black counter, but we did ceramic tile for the floor. Your kitchen looks great I love you island!!!!

  2. Looks great... love the feeling of accomplishment when you have WORKED so hard!!

  3. that looks awesome! I'm hoping to do the same with our cabinets this fall.
