Sunday, January 3, 2010

Goals for 2010

1. Get back into daily Bible study and prayer time first thing in the morning.
2. Find a prayer/accountability partner.
3. Exercise and lose 70 lbs.
4. Learn to water ski.
5. Play tennis
6. Hike 3 new trails with the family
7. Craft or sew once a week
8. Increase photography skills
9. Make new friends and have some girl times shopping/crafting/hanging out
10. Grow a garden
11. Finish remodeling the house
12. Have people over at least once a month for supper and games
13. Bake bread, make homemade cinnamon rolls, and homemade tortillas.
14. Run a 5K
15. Read a book once a month.

Kellys Korner is hosting a link up of New Year's Goals. Check it out.


  1. This made me cry this morning, I so wish we lived closer to each other because we would be bestest friends!! Love you and I will pray that all your goals will be met this year!

  2. aw, joann, how sweet! I will pray that God will send you a soul mate there in LA. I am so proud of you for how far you have come in your weight loss and taking the move in stride. I do wish we could live closer- have so enjoyed our online friendship!

  3. Just visiting from Kelly's Korner...I saw your goal to read a book a month. You should read the Twilight could probably read all 4 in a week!! They are so addicting! Good luck with your goals.

  4. I just wanted to wish you good luck on your weight loss goal. I know it is tough, I am in the middle of it right now! Just dont give up and if you have a bad day, week, or month remember you can always start over!
