Saturday, December 12, 2009

Photo Challenge- Lines

I Should be Folding Laundry issued a photo challenge this week to photograph lines. My backyard is semi- wooded and I love the look of the early morning light coming through the trees. This one shows both the lines of my stairwell, but also the crosses that are on the wall.
Lines of candles.

Lines of the mini greenhouse. These are the prettiest, mixed with curly ques.


  1. When I walked around my house looking for lines, I just didn't see any. Obviously I wasn't looking hard enough. I like the stairs with the crosses.

  2. Isn't it amazing how a few simple touches can transform a whole room inot a Christmas room?

    Thanks for visiting my blog, and good luck getting your husband to build you a can rack.


  3. I love the trees!

    -Alana Jo
    Please take a moment to check out my photos as well.
    Have a blessed day!
