Thursday, November 5, 2009

Making your days special without money

Southern Hospitality is gathering tips on how we make our days special while in the midst of a tough economy. If you would like to see some of the ideas or add some of your own please visit her blog. I thought I would share some of the things I do to make our ordinary days feel special.

  1. Buy an expensive cut of meat when it is on sale and having a special meal instead of going out to eat and paying a tip and all the other costs. Did you know that beef tenderloin is cut into filet mignon steaks? I just learned that!

  2. Making yummy pies, cakes, cookies, etc. with the kids.

  3. Bringing in nature to decorate. Go on a walk and pick up acorns, pinecones, colored leaves, sticks and add these to tabletop arrangements.

  4. Finding a good book or magazine at a yard sale or thrift store. Definitely under $1 and time for me to just zone out in "me time."

  5. Renting a Red Box movie for $1, popping some popcorn, and cuddling under a warm blanket.

  6. Sewing a patchwork scarf in seasonal colors- here and here. Making a new bag out of scrap materials. I look for sheets and pieces of fabric at thrift stores to use in sewing. You find a lot of great prints and the sheets are so large you have a lot of fabric.

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