Friday, November 6, 2009

I won an award!

SweetJeanette awarded me with this award. Thank you very much,Jeanette ,for honoring me with this award. The rules are to post the rules on your blog, link back to the person who honored you with the award, and pass the award on to 15 other blogs. Well, I feel awkward about award giving, sort of like the forwarding e-mails, so I am naming some of my favorite blogs to give them bloggy love and let people have the chance to visit them. If you are on the list you are welcome to grab the award for your blog. I just do not want to make anyone feel obligated.
  1. Keeper of the Home
  2. Moms the Word
  3. Sew Mama Sew
  4. Southern Savers
  5. The Pleasures of Homemaking
  6. Whatever
  7. 50's Housewife
  8. Homebody
  9. The Pleated Poppy
  10. Lil Blue Boo
  11. Mustard Seed Creations
  12. My Mama Made It
  13. Our Creative Life
  14. Fly Through Our Window
  15. An Oregon Cottage

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