Thursday, October 22, 2009

Tater Tot Casserole

Join the party at Southern Hospitality!

Tater Tot Casserole
1 lb cooked hamburger meat
2 cans cream of celery soup
1 can milk
1 bag frozen french style green beans
1 small pkg tater tots
4 oz cheddar cheese
salt and pepper
Put the hamburger meat in the bottom of a 9"X13" baking dish. Pour the package of green beans on top. Mix the soups with the milk in a bowl then pour this over the top. Add the tater tots on top of this. Salt and pepper to taste. Cook about 35 minutes at 350 degrees. Add the cheese and put in the oven until it is melted.


  1. Fun recipe. I bet kids all over the world would love to hear "tater tot casserole" when they ask "what's for dinner!"

  2. You have such a fun blog. I enjoyed your before and after shots of your home. It looks great. Oh, and my family loves tater tot casserole! thanks for sharing!
    Janelle @

  3. Your casserole sounds like something my four-year-old granddaughter would like ... I'm going to save the recipe and try it sometime.

  4. Thanks for joining the party! That sounds great for kids. My hubby is not a casserole fan, so I may not be able to slide this one by him. Looks good though!

  5. Stopping by from Rhoda's recipe party. This has everything my hubby loves...meat and potatoes! Looks really quick-n-easy too!
    Thanks for the recipe.
    Come see me, I'd be thrilled!

  6. GREAT!!! EASY!!! and FAST!!! recipe. something the whole family would love.

  7. Ooooh that looks like a real comfort food right there!


  8. My recipe for tater tot casserole is different than yours. No Green Beans and Cream of Mushroom instead of Celery. My family loves this recipe. We have it a lot.

  9. What size can of milk?

  10. I pour regular milk into the soup can and kind of shake it around to try to get the soup off the sides. I am sorry, I see that it does sound like a can of evaporated or condensed milk. Just regular milk.

  11. Thanks for the clarification on the milk. I will have to try this!
