Friday, September 18, 2009

I am dying...

to tell you that I DO NOT HAVE A TUMOR!!!! It is a cyst. I went in yesterday for my Endoscopic Ultrasound and biopsy. That is where they put an endoscope with an ultrasound tip down your throat into your stomach and the first portion of your small intestine. They are able to use the ultrasound to see your pancreas and other organs better from the inside. He did a needle aspiration and it was fluid filled rather than a mass like a tumor would be. Sorry to all those who are eating or who were planning on eating until you visited my blog.

I had to be at the hospital at 9:30 and my EUS was at 11:00. I guess someone took longer than expected because it was close to 11:00 before they took me back to pre-op. I was taken to the pre-op unit where there are 11 beds set up. I put on my special bootie revealing fashionista gown and grippy socks and was given bed number 3. My nurse got an IV started on the first try. Yipee! But, she put it on the inside of my wrist and it felt like it was pulling up the whole time. I laid there for almost two hours. I could hear the people on each side of me through the curtain. I knew it would be awhile when I heard the lady next to me tell them she was having an EUS with Dr. Billings- my doctor. Meagan was on the other side. She and another man were brought in after me, but were taken back before me, so I guess they were with a different doctor. When they came to get me the guy called me Meagan. I was hoping that they knew what was really going on and didn't take me and remove something on the wrong person.

I woke up in post op and the nurse came over and told me it was a cyst. I started crying and she freaked out and asked what was wrong. I told her I was happy. I don't think she understood that I had prepared to have cancer and go through major surgery, chemo, and radiation. I would lose my hair. The diagnosis of the 10% of people caught early enough to have surgery is an expected 18-20 months to live. If it has progressed where it is not contained in the pancreas and cannot be removed with surgery your diagnosis is less than a year. To go from that to it is a cyst is just amazing and wonderful. God is so good. I am singing and dancing and jumping up and down.

There were beds across from me in post op. The nurse kept trying to wake a man and he would not wake up. Then he kept passing gas really loudly. I hang around 9 and 11 year old boys too much, because I thought it was so funny. Then I realized that I might have done all that, too and wished they would hurry up and let me go home. The horror of not knowing what you did while under anestesia.

The cyst causes the symptoms I have had with stomach pain, etc. I still need to get it under control. Today, my throat is very sore. I am not sure if I am developing a cold or if it is just from having stuff in my throat and oxygen blown into my nose. I have had to use a decongestant and sneeze quite often. I feel as if I am running a fever, I am assuming just fighting what was done to my body. My stomach is upset. So, today I am just going to take it easy. I have my sewing class, but can just rest the rest of the day.


  1. I'm thankful that you got a good report, I was worried about you.

  2. Like I said on FB yesterday... I am REJOICING with you! Take it easy today and demand someone else do all the chores for the next few days.


  3. YaY!!! I told you that a cyst will do that to your body. I am so glad it is not cancer. A cyst is no fun. Are they going to get rid of it or see if it will go away on its own. I know how bad they make you feel so I will be praying for you.

  4. I am so pleased for you. I have been worrying about you, and thank goodness it is good news. Best wishes to you! Speak to you soon, and look after yourself x

  5. That is wonderful news! Your title made me a little nervous tho'! (as was intended I'm sure)
