Friday, August 7, 2009

Life at my place....

The kids bath has been their responsibility to clean. All I was doing was putting up something in the linen closet. When I opened it there was a pile of the things my son had just been given to put up. Instead of seperating the beach towels from the sheets they were all just stuffed in one big pile, all a jumble in that closet. I have come a long way. I used to have all the towels color coordinated. I have let loose a lot and just required them to put them in there, seperating the bath towels, beach towels, and sheets.

Well, it started with me calling my son to come seperate the linens and put them away correctly. Then, for some unknown moment of insanity I decided to peek in the drawer. I am sure steam began to come out of my ears and my eyeballs were bulging like a mad woman. What I saw was the most jumbled drawer with a liner of toothpaste in the bottom of the drawer. I began sorting it all out, throwing away wrappers, used Q-tips, used dental floss, braces elastics. I made my other son wipe the drawer while I continued to sort things into the drawer organizer. Just look at what I had....
Yep, every last one of them was in THE SAME drawer. Apparantly there are flavors of the day in my house. I thought my toothpaste stash in my drawer in my bathroom was dwindling. This is 12 tubes of toothpaste. I am counting the three trial size ones. Twelve. So, I cleaned the drawers and cleaned and organized the cabinets. They weren't as bad, just found 3 bottles of Windex.

Then I decided to peek in the shower. I am not even going there to mention the bottles of shampoo. Five kids= 5 different shampoos for some reason. Movin on.... Between the shower curtain and liner right where the photo was taken sat this....
I think they each have their own bar. It is all just rediculous. I have children old enough to be able to comprehend that you use a tube of toothpaste until empty. THEN you get another tube. You get one bar of soap at a time. I need to scream........ AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


  1. Since I only have two, I guess it's not such a big deal that they each have their own tube of toothpaste (Haley doesn't want Dawson's germs) and their own hand towels.

  2. Thank you for your compliment about my boys!

    Loved this. You gotta wonder what they are thinking sometimes, lol! My kids go thru bath towels like they're going out of style...sigh.

    I am starting my 16th year homeschooling too! I loved seeing your schedule, awesome!

  3. That is hilarious. Mine would do the same thing, but since we live in a small house, I have to micro-manage our space. I'm usually able to catch things like that before they've opened too many tubes. Floss is another thing. Everyone wants their own floss. ??

    Now I've got to check out your homeschooling schedule...
