Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Birthday Cake Roundup

Here are some of the cakes I have made. I am not good at all, but we have a lot of fun creating something to go with the theme of the party.

I am joining in at Life as Mom for a birthday cake round up.


Anonymous said...

my favorite was the ship!

FishMama said...

Such a great collection! I think the pirate ship is my favorite.

Amanda @ Mommy's Idea Book said...

What fun cakes! My son would absolutely love the pirate ship.

Jen L. said...

Hi! I wandered over from Life As mom. Love your cakes! I"m an Alabama mom,too. Glad to see other Bama ladies in the blogosphere!!

My life with MND said...

They look great. I'm loving the pirate ship.

Hope all is well with you and your family? xo

Melinda said...

These are great! My 4 year old loved the fire truck and pirate ship =)

Shop Without Money Sisters said...

Your cakes are cute. Awesome pirate ship. Mine always look like the kids made them. It's okay, though - as long as the kids know what they are, that's what counts. I bet they always think you're awesome!